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How to mine Wagyucoin

There are a few ways to mine Wagyucoin. The two most common methods are direct mining with our wallet or pool mining with our mining pool.

Wallet Mining with MacOS

Download Wallet

Go to our Github and download the macos CLI file.

Unzip the file and add the contents to your desktop.


Open up your Terminal app to run the following.

Create the data directory for your coin with the following command:

mkdir "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Wagyucoin/"

Open nano.

nano "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Wagyucoin/wagyucoin.conf" -t

Paste the following into nano.


Save the file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + x.

Setup Mining File

Open nano.

nano mine.sh -t

Paste the following into nano.

echo Press [CTRL+C] to stop mining.
while :
./wagyucoin-cli generatetoaddress 1 $(./wagyucoin-cli getnewaddress)

Save the file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + x.

Make the file executable.

chmod +x mine.sh

Start Mining

Run the wagyucoin-qt.dmg file to open your wallet.

Go back to the terminal and type the following command to create the wallet file for your desktop wallet:

./wagyucoin-cli createwallet ""

Execute the following command in the terminal app to mine:

<a id="item-two"></a>

Wallet Mining with Windows

Download Wallet

Go to our Github and download the win64 file.

Unzip the file and add the contents to your desktop.


Open "Run" with the keyboard shortcut winkey + r.

Enter the following text behind "Open": notepad

Press on the button "OK".

Paste the following into notepad.


Click on the menu item "File" -> "Save As...".

The open dialog box will appear, click on "Save as type" and select the option "All Files (.)".

Enter the following text behind "File name": wagyucoin.conf

Click on the menu bar, type the following text %appdata% and press on the enter key. enter

Create the folder Wagyucoin and open the folder.

Press on the button "Save".

Create a new file with the keyboard shortcut ctrl + n.

Paste the following into notepad.

@echo off
set SCRIPT_PATH=%cd%
echo Press [CTRL+C] to stop mining.
 for /f %%i in ('wagyucoin-cli.exe getnewaddress') do set WALLET_ADDRESS=%%i
 wagyucoin-cli.exe generatetoaddress 1 %WALLET_ADDRESS%
goto begin

Click on the menu item "File" -> "Save As...".

The open dialog box will appear, click on "Save as type" and select the option "All Files (.)".

Enter the following text behind "File name": mine.bat

Click on the menu bar, open the location where you extracted the zip file.

Press on the button "Save".

Start Mining

Open your qt wallet and execute mine.bat to begin mining.